my ScrapMuse is…back

back in the scraproom, after too much time off, due to circumstances beyond my control…in a word, Sandy…

Sooooooo, I discovered something from Tim Holtz called Grungeboard, which gave me the idea for the title of this layout.  Once again, my original sketch didn’t really make it to the page, mostly because I couldn’t find all the pictures, but I made do, and think this came out very well!

Here are a couple teaser images for you, did a fair amount of layering/shading stuff…really like how it turned out, despite the subject matter ;P




Tune in the next few days for the full page reveal…and head on over to the Memory Works and Simple Stories blogs for some great holiday creativity!

I want to thank everyone who “stayed” with me while I was gone for so long.  And while Superstorm Sandy is gone, the devastation she caused will take many months and many dollars to recover and rebuild.  Please help in any way you can.

Thank you and happy scrapping!

my ScrapMuse is…reeling

reeling from Sandy, also tired, sick, cold..okay, let me back up here.

For those who don’t know or have just found me, I live on Long Island.  I’m going to assume you know about Sandy, which slammed into NJ, NY, and other spots including RI and CT and caused a whole terrible, cold, heaping ton of damage.

I’m okay, family’s okay, house is okay, my office building lost power so I got an impromptu week off.  One bad thing is we’re going on Day 9 without power, though we have  gas and a gas stove, which helps A LITTLE with heating the house and cooking.

Everyone in Long Island, NYC, and New Jersey area are in various states of destruction.  Compared to a lot of people, I’m living in the Ritz.  Some people, a lot of people, have lost EVERYTHING, their homes are GONE.  Many of these people, most of these people have lived in their house for decades.  Some people have lost family.  There’s devastation everywhere to varying degrees, and the weather is cold.

Please, please, please, give whatever you can to help us.  Food, clothing, blankets, money/resources to rebuild.  I’m not downplaying any tragedy or anything other place that needs help, however, we’ve just been added to the list.

So please help, and happy scrapping.